Saturday 8 November 2008


There's no job, no family, no paint or art supplies, no books to read, no friends to hang out with.

yes, i know my family lives here, but would you like to hang out with your aunts or mom on a saturday night?
yes I know some people who were my friends in highschool but how can I relate to them if we have 13 years of life that divide us.

I think boredom is lack of creativity, it is. But when you are down you don't feel too creative I guess.

so i'm dying here and If this is co-depency fuck this shit.

makes me also think what if i move to another place like I've been thinking but the problem will be too that I will know LESS people. LESS family. God Dammit. how can you start a plan when you cant find yourself.

I hope this psychologist helps me.

im fucking BOred and that drives me call faith and push her away more because she is in her own space and wants no part of me involved (at least no more than a couple of hours)

All I can do its draw with some pencils I brought with me and be here.

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