Friday 10 October 2008

i dont know

WHY AM i writting on this thing. I dont even write much on myspace nad its not like anybody checks this stupid blog... maybe that;s why im posting here.
i feel alone. i feel once faith and the kids and everybody moves I will left out with this horrible family of mine, this blood family that I wish I was far away from.
its not unjustified disgust, but now that i came back and I see things with different eyes I can see how fucked up they are. the house were im living in breaths hate and grudge. its full of bad memories, betrayals, tears, screams, violence and abandment.
Faith and everybody says that im strong and that that I figure out but i dont think i can, for some reason I left this place and im scared of my very fragil mental stability.
for the love of the kids I will stay as long as I can, I hope i dont loose myself in the process.

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