Thursday, 4 September 2008

my creativity is itching

UGh, I cant wait until i'm able to walk!
sucks too cause since I dont get out of this house I cant go and take pictures of the things I see and want to talk about on this blog. I guess for now you guys need to imagine what im talking about .
image a naked woman...heheh just kidding.. but its kinda powerful to think that I have the power to make you think about anything I want.
Think of a cold Coca Cola.......... good job here its a cookie ()

Moving on.
I cant wait to spray some stencils around this city, the culture and the walls are begging me to do it. they are so blank and eager to have their story told.
I want to revolutionate this town, it has the potential, it has the people, they just need a leader which um... it would be me ha!
no but for real, I need to do some art im dying here. Also all my painting supplies are going to be shipped, who knows when but hopefully soon.
ok gotta go cause kailee boo is being a 13 year old and its driving me craaaaazy hahaha in a good way.
ok i'll be back later

1 comment:

Square Peg Nelson said...

now you think of a slice of flan, slipping around on a plate


now, you've got to think this street art thing out really hard, and be very organized, or you might get shot.