Wednesday, 10 September 2008

lesbos where are you?

Merida is the capital Fag city of the world; Everywhere you look you see young gay man walking around in their bright Tshirts and frozen spiky hair, they are cute but I find ask myself WHERE ARE MY LESBOS?? One thing is that I dont go out too much since my knee is still healing and another is that it seems that lesbos here are not as obvious as men are. I mean they are not too butch so their gay rainbow doesn't shine with clarity on their forheads. I miss my dykes, I would even be happy with a couple of lesbos from Broadway bar. I have 2 good friends that are lesbos but they are not totally out so its like having straight friends. they are cool, i think I'm going to out them with my presence so that's good. Maybe when I start going out more and we meet more people we will discovery the gay community. THe other day a rainbow came out in the sky and I even made Faith salute to it anyway here is a little video of our gayselves in Izamal :sighs: Long beach I miss u

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