Sunday, 12 October 2008

canada-mexico city-merida

we talked today, my sister massiel, my dad and I. Marisol decided to "chat" with him a little bit earlier that we had agreed and got there with her boyfrieend. they left before massiel got there.
we aer going to sell the house. but who know when that would happen. at least it will happen... my dad is going to see the bill that marisol and daniel owe plus lend us money so we can fix the house around. like the plumery, the paint, doors etc. i think the process to get the house ready to start selling it will be a couple of months at least... and from there whatever takes to sell it.
I guess i wont see the money anytime soon... but I talked to my cousin mario and he invited me to go to mexico city and stay with him at no charge while i look for a job and things like that. it sounds appetizing in some ways and not in others. in not in other because i will be leaving faith and the kids here (eventhough faith is breaking up iwth me) i will like to see the kids from time to time...daily if i can.
anway its an opcion and I know artistically speaking going to mexico city it will be a better opportunity to me to learn and show more about art.
another thing that its making me stay here... well not making me but I should stay here for a little longer is my highschool I should get my diploma and the go whatever I want to.
I was thinking (before talking to mario) going to canada, but now that i know that i wont have the money soon that wont happen. maybe if i decide to leave faith I will go there After mexico city, or if i get the money sooner I'll just go there, it seems that working there it wont be as much problem as going to europe... ofcourse i want to go to europe but maybe I should be more realistic and think of europe as a tourist destination and not a residency.
i decided to make this blog private, since I dont really talk to anybody at least I will putting some words here.
i cant wait for my painting supplies get here.
family is where the happiness is not where the blood is

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