Thursday 4 September 2008

From a burrito to a salbut

Hello world, anybody out there?
I have decided to start a blog just like my girlfriend Faith to record our happenings in the Land of Yucatan. Forgive me if I sometimes dont make much sense, writting has never been my forte. so are you on?
good, cause I like attention ;)
After 3 weeks of arriving and getting over how hot it is here I can say since I'm laying in bed 24 hours (knee surgery) there's NOTHING like Yucatecan homemade food. My sister and grandma have been feeding me with all these delicious regional dishes, they are soo good and i'm going to get sooo fat.
I think since I dont have much entretainment from this bed my thrills are what dish am I going to eat today ha ha well that and making it to the bathroom using my crutches.
I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow and he is going to change my dirty bandages, I hope he tells me that not more than a month I have to lay in bed. My sister Marisol told me that its because i'm a Varguez its that I cant stay put in one place resting, My dad always said that he is going to go crazy once he retires from his 12 hours a day jobs, we are all like that, maybe that's why I can never take naps. It just seems such a waste of time.

From what I hear the outside world is doing just fine, the girls are happy in school; they even have best friends! and their best friends dont speak english, I dont know how that works but it seems that its working. I help the girls with their homework and they in return bother me all day eheh jk.

Well I hope I have more exciting news in my next posts... maybe my bed will catch on fire and I will develope super powers and lift the house to safety.. or my bed starts to levitate and fly like an arabian rug. I dont know... maybe I'll start pooping rainbows.

Finally, I have to say before I go that this will be an amazing experiance. My gringos are so lucky to have this opportunity and i'm so thankful that i'm the one who can share it with them.

love always

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